Sunday, June 2, 2024
YP HOME      Dua Hajat , Chandigarh, Chandigarh
Dua Hajat

Station Road, Burhanpur, Chandigarh, Chandigarh - 160059
Mr. Kabir Khan
+(91) 8427795042
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Payment/ Cards Accepted
Cash, Cheque, Credit Card, Demand Draft, Debit Card, Net Banking
Working Days/ Holidays
Sunday: 10 AM To 9 PMMonday: 10 AM To 9 PM
Tuesday: 10 AM To 9 PMWednesday: 10 AM To 9 PM
Thursday: 10 AM To 9 PMFriday: 10 AM To 9 PM
Saturday: 10 AM To 9 PM 
Holidays: -
Kabir Khan Ji is the best Muslim Astrologer all over the world. With the blessings of Allah he uses to resolve the problems and troubles of the people which they face in their day to day lives. He provides all the services related to the Astrology. Many people who were facing the problems like no marriage, delay in marriage, no child birth after many years of marriage, disturbed married life, children out of control, loss in business, no success in life, unemployment, and problems related to the career, education, love relationship etc. were helped by him in getting rid from all kinds of problems. Kabir Khan Ji is the most famous Muslim Astrologer and working for the welfare of the mankind. Many people from the different fields like top businessmen, multinational professionals, managers, engineers, doctors, sportsperson, models, actors, singers and common people also who seek for his Astrology advice. He is a Vashikaran and Black magic specialist and offer all the services related to these fields. Many people says that Vashikaran and Black magic are practiced to harm others but it is not true Vashikaran and Black magic are powers and the powers can be used in the negative and the positive manner it is up to the intentions of the user. Vashikaran and Black magic is used from the Ancient times to solve different kinds of problems of the people. Kabir Khan Ji is also know with name of Love Guru as he has saved many couples from break up and divorce and helped many people in getting their love. Vashikaran is the most powerful remedy present in the Astrology by which we can take hold over any person and can make him to work according to us. With the help of this method we can change the thinking and attitude of the person he or she has for you. Kabir khan is the best Astrologer for Ishtkhara and Wazifa services. You can contact him with any kind of problem and he will remove your all the problems in a very short time period. He has satisfied many clients all over the world.

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