Monday, June 17, 2024
YP HOME      The Globalizers Edutrain Pvt. Ltd- Basant Vihar , Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
The Globalizers Edutrain Pvt. Ltd- Basant Vihar

D-25, Near Anmol Furnitures, Basant Vihar, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh - 474001
Mr. Kiranjeet
+(91) (0751) 4010424
+(91) 9993045746
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The Globalizers, are one of the most valued names for providing quality solutions in foreign education. We are leading the market by far in central India. Our director Mr.Prashant Hemnani is one of the most popular consultants in India. He personally involves himself with the students. We are ingenious, progressive, flourishing and professionally managed organization focused on one of the core sectors of economy- Education. “The Globalizers” was started in 2007 and initially focused on US market. However from the last 3 years, we have also started focusing on UK market and have built a solid IELTS curriculum for the same. Our one of the faculties is LSE, UK Alum. It is an undisputed organization and a leader in terms of quality, innovative products and services. Our Services Specialized in providing Coaching and Training students for GMAT, GRE, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS. Guiding for Country, University, Course selection. Assistance in application and Visa Documentation. The one thing anyone need is a right, unbiased, authentic and objective consultation for the same, so that they can plan “what are the right countries one should apply?”, “what are the right universities one should apply?” and to help you in the entire processes. Our Features Under our training division we have Alumni of more than 5000+ successfully trained students. We have been guiding several Indian students across the globe to pursue higher studies.

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Find This Business Under IELTS Coaching Centers, MBA Institutes, GRE Coaching Classes, SAT Coaching Classes, GMAT Coaching Classes, Overseas Educational Consultants, Study Abroad Consultants, TOEFL Coaching Centers, Consultants- Study Abroad, Educational Consultants- Study Abroad, Educational Consultants- Overseas
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